17 Things That Used to Be Highly Respected But Aren’t Anymore

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By Jonathan Trent

Society is changing at an alarming rate, with many ideas going out the window. In fact, as a society, we no longer respect many things that would have been respected years ago. Need examples? Here are 17 things that used to be regarded with respect but aren’t any more!

Traditional Marriage

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Mainly due to the influence of religion, traditional marriage has always been revered as the only real form of partnership. Nowadays, there has been a shift towards non-traditional partnerships, with same-sex couples able to get married to each other, thus reducing the respect for traditional marriage. That seems positive to us!


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Politicians once held a high position in society as individuals who could dictate to the population. However, because of social media, the spread of scandals involving politicians, and a general increase in publicly available information, we now admire them far less, and frankly, they’re often hated!


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Before the internet, everyone valued their privacy, but that’s all gone since social media came along. With The Guardian revealing that almost half of British teenagers say they feel addicted to social media, it’s clear there is no escape from sharing our lives online. We’re even happily giving our data to these companies!

Honorific Titles

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Modern society has witnessed the decline and rejection of hierarchical structures which place certain people above others. With this shift towards informality, there is a newfound emphasis on equality and inclusion, making us have less respect for those with big titles. In fact, fancy titles are generally considered snobby.

Hard Work

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Years ago, hard work was respected and advocated as a means to get ahead and save money. However, this concept is no longer relevant in contemporary society as there is a focus on work-life balance as a means to safeguard our mental health. Honestly, we think finding a balance is best.

Print Media

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Newspapers and other forms of print media were popular at a time when digital media wasn’t around. However, since that has changed, there has been far less appreciation for traditional forms of print media, with consumer habits trending towards online news consumption. Gone are the days of shuffling an enormous newspaper!

Age-Based Respect

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The older generation was once admired and cherished as pillars of knowledge. However, as society values different perspectives and attitudes towards authority change, these individuals are losing their appeal, especially if they hold controversial views that go against what younger people believe. Don’t forget to respect your elders, though.

Religious Institutions

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With the decline in religious affiliation and the rise of scandals within religious organizations, religious institutions no longer hold the same power as they once did. In fact, Harvard Business Review highlights that, nowadays, religion is a conversation that is not just overlooked but often deliberately avoided, which shows how much things have changed.

Authority Figures

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Authority figures such as parents and teachers once had the power to dictate to others how to live their lives. However, their role in modern society is now diminished as distrust of authority figures increases. It doesn’t help that such authoritative figures always seem to be caught up in scandals!

The Opinion of ‘Experts’ 

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Many years ago, experts within industries were hailed as the only source of valid news. However, with access to diverse sources of information in the modern world, we are now skeptical of those who claim to be ‘experts’ in their field. In fact, this term is often used to verify misinformation!

Education Credentials

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Having a degree used to be perceived as the only route to success, but this is no longer applicable in modern times. There’s now an emphasis being put on skills and experience over academic achievements, which has been assisted a lot by the rise of alternative education pathways. It seems pretty positive! 


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Celebrities once seemed out of reach, making them seem intriguing and respectable. However, Business Insider exposes the nature of cancel culture in modern society, which encourages shame over accountability. This shines a light on celebrities’ scandals and controversies, humanizing them and significantly reducing the respect they gain.

National Flags

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National flags may have once been an emblem of pride, but with the critique of nationalism, they no longer hold the same power. Their relevance has also been eroded by the steady rise of multiculturalism and diversity, with many people preferring flags such as those of the EU or the U.N. 

Company Loyalty

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If you speak to an older person, they’re likely to have stayed in the same job for decades, which demands some sort of respect. Meanwhile, the younger generation is more likely to engage in job hopping culture as we prioritize mental health and personal fulfillment over loyalty in contemporary society. They both have benefits!

Law Enforcement

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The police force was highly respected several years ago, but, like with other authoritative figures, this trend is changing now that corruption, abuse of power, and scandals have come to light. There is now increased scrutiny of police brutality, calls for police reform, and a shift to focusing on community policing.

Traditional Gender Roles

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Psych Central reminds us that gender is not binary nowadays, and society heavily influences the expectations placed on folks of varying gender identities and expressions. With such advocacy for gender equality, we have less consideration for traditional roles as we see them as stifling and repressive. Let everyone be whoever they wish!

Corporate Brands

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Finally, it was once common to trust corporate brands as they sold themselves as reliable and honest. However, over time, most people have started to distrust big corporations. We’re beginning to criticize unethical business practices more and recognize that they’ll often say anything to prevent criticism, even if they act in an opposite manner. It’s pretty evil stuff!

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Photo Credit: Teerapong Tanpanit/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Andrii Iemelianenko/Shutterstock

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