Getting older brings with it a lot of change, and sadly, these changes can be incredibly difficult to accept as youth begins to slip away and you aren’t as capable as you used to be. Here are 18 things about getting older that most people struggle to accept.
Changes in Physical Appearance
People struggle with how they will look as they age, getting visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and gray hair. Harvard Health states that with age, fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so skin that is smooth and tight gets loose and sags. It’s unfortunate, but a part of life.
Decline in Physical Abilities
Those who worry about aging may be anxious about losing their strength, flexibility, and stamina. As older people are often portrayed in the media as weak and incapable, it’s easy to become worried about being physically incapable and losing your power when you get older. Keep fit, though, and you’ll be OK.
Loss of Independence
With age, it’s likely that we may need assistance in our lives as we aren’t as fit to tackle daily tasks. This fear of relying on other people is felt by people who don’t want to get older as they don’t want to lose autonomy, but ultimately, it’s the circle of life.
Impact on Relationships
Getting older may mean that our relationships with our friends and family may alter significantly, leading some struggling to grapple with feelings of isolation as their social circles change. They may even panic at the idea that they will be left all alone with no support, which is why maintaining friendships is so important.
Financial Concerns
Retirement savings and healthcare expenses can be sources of anxiety for those who fear aging. This is especially true if these individuals are already in debt or worried about their financial situation. As we get older, managing our finances effectively becomes even more of a priority, so keep that in mind!
Facing Mortality
According to The Guardian, the moment you realize you are entering your aging years is confronting, especially if you still feel young. For most people, confronting the prospect of dying can be daunting. It can be common for thoughts of reaching the end of your life to dominate your mind, but it’s unavoidable.
Navigating Career Changes
Retirement is something that all of us have to face; leaving your place of work can seem daunting, especially if you rely on work to cultivate social relationships and for money. Some people may struggle to find purpose outside of work but try to see it as your hard work paying off.
Health Concerns
It probably comes as no surprise that your chance of getting a chronic condition becomes more likely as you leave your youth behind. Even if you don’t have any health issues at the moment, you could struggle to accept that health problems can be a reality in the future. It is what it is!
Loss of Loved Ones
Death is inevitable and something that most of us cannot understand. As we age, we have to come to terms with grieving the loss of family and friends, which can feel scary. You may contemplate how you will feel when your loved ones depart, so spend as much time with them as you can!
Adapting to Technological Advancements
While most people have grown up with technology, it will inevitably evolve even more in the future. This makes some individuals panic as they worry about keeping up with rapidly evolving technology, especially because older adults feel left behind in the digital age. Try to keep up, and you’ll be just fine.
Changes in Sleep Patterns
Getting a good night’s sleep is incredibly important for our overall health, yet as we age, there is a higher chance of having sleep disturbances. In fact, The New York Times reveals that older adults are more likely to take longer to fall asleep compared with younger adults, so early nights are smart.
Role Reversal With Adult Children
Elderly people can become like infants again as their roles switch from caregiver to recipient of care. Many people fear reverting back to childhood because they do not want to lose control over their lives, feeling embarrassed at the prospect of someone caring for them. Sadly, though, it’s unavoidable.
Leaving Youth Behind
Denial and resistance to accepting the realities of aging are common. Many people try to maintain a façade of youthfulness to feel young again, trying to halt it by using beauty treatments or socializing excessively instead of welcoming the aging process. It’s best to try and find a healthy balance.
Coping With Boredom
Retirement and decreased capabilities can lead to increased boredom, leading many people to worry that they won’t know what to do when they grow older. They may fear that they will be in a state of boredom with no interest in their lives, so it’s wise to pick up hobbies!
Dealing With Societal Ageism
Discrimination based on age can impact self-esteem and opportunities. Many of us know this and, understandably, aren’t looking forward to becoming victims of stereotypes and ageist attitudes. We are frightened that other people will judge us because we are old, and we don’t want to confront this.
Changes in Cognitive Function
As we get older, we have the potential to develop conditions such as dementia or Alzheimers, which instills fear in many individuals. In fact, the American Psychological Association explains that our brains reach their maximum size during our early twenties and then begin very slowly to decline in volume, which is undeniably scary.
Adjusting to Lifestyle Changes
Uprooting and moving are common for older people who may need to transition to being cared for by someone else. For those who like their current life and home, this can seem like a nightmare as they don’t want to adjust to a new living situation. Try to consider it as your next adventure!
Finding Purpose in Later Life
Finally, discovering purpose beyond your career is a common challenge in our older years. When working life becomes a distant memory, and we aren’t able to take part in activities with the same energy, we struggle with the idea of being void of new goals. Don’t be silly, though; you can still achieve a ton in old age!