If You Display These 18 Behaviors, You’re Probably an Introvert

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By Jonathan Trent

Most people are extroverts, introverts, or a bit of both. If you’ve been wondering why you suddenly prefer to be alone rather than around other people, then it could be a sign. If you display any of these 18 behaviors, you’re probably an introvert.

You Prefer One-on-One Interactions

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Do you easily become overwhelmed in large groups of people? Introverts much prefer one-on-one conversations because it uses less energy. And due to an introvert’s preference for more focused conversations, they’d rather talk to one person about one topic than speak in a group.

Alone Time to Recharge is Important

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Introverts need alone time regularly, and most definitely after social interactions, to replenish their battery. Solitude is a sanctuary for them to feel refreshed. According to The Minds Journal via LinkedIn, if introverts don’t get time to recharge, they’re likely to be irritable and unhappy.

Small Talk is Exhausting

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We all know that small talk is a necessary part of life, but for introverts, it’s an energy drain. Small talk can feel too superficial, and introverts much prefer deeper conversations. They’d rather not deplete their energy on casual chat and likely avoid situations that call for it.

Too Much Stimulation Leaves You Overwhelmed

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Busy or loud environments, too many people talking at once or too much pressure on an introvert in a conversation can all lead to over-stimulation. According to PsychCentral, social exhaustion can also be known as “introvert burnout” or “introvert hangover”.

You Prefer Writing to Speaking

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Have you ever wondered why you’d always rather write out a message than answer a phone call? Introverts prefer writing because it gives them time to process their response and gain clarity. Journaling and creative writing are also common hobbies among introverts.

You’re a Good Listener

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Introverts would always rather listen than talk. Harvard Business Review defines being a good listener as showing attention through facial expressions and sounds, and not talking while others are speaking. Introverts make for excellent listeners because they’re often empathetic, too.

You Often Deep-Dive into Certain Subjects

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The idea that introverts aren’t the biggest fans of talking is a myth. In fact, introverts love talking – as long as it’s about a subject they’re interested in! Introverts often deep dive into passions and hyper fixation by researching them and talking about them at every opportunity.

You Value Your Privacy

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CNBC explains that “extroverts may love to see everybody all the time, but introverts tend to need privacy”. Introverts place a high value on their personal space, and they’re very selective about who they share personal information with. Opening up to someone can be a significant thing.

Reflecting Before Responding

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Some introverts are misunderstood as aloof or distant because they take their time before responding. They often need time to process information or formulate a response, which is also why writing is always preferable to speaking. Providing a thoughtful response is important to them.

You Notice Details Other People Miss

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Introverts often have high attention to detail, and a lot of this can come from them preferring to be observant rather than the one in the spotlight. Due to their deep and reflective nature, they find it natural to notice things that other people might overlook.

You Have Meaningful Relationships Rather Than Too Many Acquaintances

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If you value having only one close friend as opposed to a huge group of casual friends, you could be an introvert. Having fewer relationships but more meaningful connections is much more important to an introvert than being extremely popular (which also takes more energy!).

You Work Better Alone

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Introverts will always perform better when they’re left alone to work. They gravitate to jobs or tasks that allow them to work in solitude and at their own pace. They’re most productive in an environment they can control and thrive in alone.

Rich Imagination

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It’s no surprise introverts live in their heads quite a lot. You may have developed your own inner world or happy place you can escape to in your mind. Introverts often possess rich imaginations and enjoy solitary reflection, which allows them to daydream.

Solitude is Better Than Socializing

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If you would always choose staying in alone over going out with other people, then it’s likely you’re an introvert. That isn’t to say you don’t enjoy spending time with friends – but being alone often equals less stress and less energy than going out. Introverts often need to balance social and alone time.

You Find Comfort in Routine

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There’s a reason that most introverts adore predictability. A structured daily life is their go-to because it means they can mentally prepare and not be thrown for a loop. Introverts despise sudden changes, as they can make them uncomfortable, so routine is their best friend!

Preferring to Avoid the Spotlight

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Given the choice, introverts would always rather shun the spotlight. In terms of work or personal tasks, they’d rather contribute from behind the scenes in a way that draws less attention! Being thrust unexpectedly into the spotlight in public is their worst nightmare.

Being Cautious in New Situations

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Because introverts enjoy the predictable, new situations can often put them on edge. They will likely approach new situations cautiously, observing the environment or even doing research ahead of time to make it easier. Any introvert who has Google-imaged a street for parking before a new trip will know how this feels!

Observing Before Participating

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And if you haven’t worked out you’re an introvert yet, maybe this final point will help! If you tend to observe before getting involved, this can be a sign. This is a method introverts use for risk-assessment and to gain a better understanding in order to feel more comfortable with new situations.