17 Defining Traits of Someone with No Class

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By Darryl Henderson

People with no class may think that they fit into society well or may even believe that they come across as high-class. However, their behavior, style, or habits may give away the fact that they have no class. Here are the 17 key traits of someone who has no class.

Ostentatious Displays

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Those who lack class tend to flaunt their wealth without substance. They may try to prove their status with tacky fashion choices which actually does them a disservice. These people also frequently display boastful behavior at inappropriate times, separating them from those with class.

Lack of Personal Hygiene

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Personal hygiene is incredibly important in today’s society as The Guardian reveals that a survey of business owners stated they would be less likely to hire an individual with poor personal hygiene. This fact is ignored by low-class individuals who will ignore basic grooming habits

Lack of Respect for Others

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Being rude towards service staff is common for those with no class. They have a track record of interrupting people in conversations and being overly loud, even if someone looks uncomfortable. This behavior can also manifest in invading the personal space of others.

Poor Table Manners

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Dining along with a person who has zero class can be an extremely negative experience. They may chew loudly, slurp, or talk with their mouths full of food. This can make everyone uncomfortable, especially if they choose to do this in a fancy restaurant or classy establishment.

Ignorance of Social Etiquette

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Partially because they are unaware of social etiquette, individuals who are not high-class will cross boundaries of what is socially acceptable. They will frequently interrupt conversations, fail to turn up for events, arrive late at important occasions, or talk loudly on the phone, even in public.

Materialistic Obsession

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Those of an inferior class may brag about their expensive purchases and define their self-worth by material wealth. According to the American Psychological Association, being materialistic is usually not appreciated by the average person and could lead to others keeping their distance from lower-class individuals.

Attention Seeking Behavior

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People belonging to the lower class may engage in attention-seeking behavior such as being loud and obnoxious in public. Starved for attention, they will always strive to be in the limelight. Their conversations may even be littered with name-drops, where they brag about all of the celebrities they have met.

Vulgar Language and Jokes

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Being crass comes naturally to lower-class individuals. They may make inappropriate jokes in formal settings, swear excessively, or use offensive language casually. This can drive those from higher classes away as they may find themselves cringing at the way they choose to carry themselves.

Inconsiderate Behavior

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For many high-class individuals, being considerate is a top priority. Their opposites, however, won’t care to hold doors open for others, be quiet on public transport, or clean up their messes when they are done. This can come across as rude and can cause problems for those people in their company.

Constant Complaining

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Complaining may seem natural, especially if we are frustrated with something. However, Business Insider states that rich people don’t complain as they think, act, and make choices differently than the rest of us. Low-class individuals, however, will always find something to criticize and will be extremely vocal about their dissatisfaction.

Lack of Empathy

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Lower-class individuals will disregard other people, acting unsympathetic toward the hardships of others. They may react rudely when people confide in them instead of offering support to friends in need. This can have a negative impact on their relationships, completely eroding trust.

Public Intoxication

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While it is second nature for many people belonging to the higher class to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, lower-class individuals may get excessively drunk and cause scenes in public. Their lack of discretion means that they will have no problem losing control when drinking.

Flaunting Ignorance

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Important topics such as politics and finances are frequently discussed by high-class individuals. Their counterparts, however, will be proudly ignorant of important topics. They will refuse to educate themselves and may even go as far as mocking people who are intelligent or the concept of education.

Disrespect for Property

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Individuals with no class may choose to damage public or private property, not caring about the consequences of doing so. With little remorse, they will do as they please. This also extends to littering and taking items from other people without asking for or returning them.

Lack of Graciousness

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People who belong to the higher ranks in society will always be polite. CBC notes that a big part of socialization is using appropriate manners and behaving respectfully toward others. The importance of manners is ignored by low-class people who will be ungrateful for acts of kindness.

Pompous Attitude

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Adopting a pompous and entitled attitude is common with people not belonging to the upper echelons of society. Ironically, they will act superior to others and may look down on those with different backgrounds. They may also belittle others’ achievements and condemn people even when they haven’t done anything wrong.

Failure to Apologize or Admit Mistakes

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Accountability is not something that is prized by lower-class people. They will refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing and may choose to blame others for their own faults. Instead of being sincerely apologetic for their actions, they will offer no apology or one that is half-hearted.

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