17 Steps to Take When Someone Shows No Interest in You

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By Jonathan Trent

Realizing that someone isn’t interested in you can be hurtful. It can damage your self-esteem and make you feel as if you have done something wrong, even if you haven’t. So, here are 17 steps to take when someone shows absolutely no interest in you.


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If we are interested in someone and they don’t reciprocate these feelings, it’s a good idea to assess your emotions and expectations. You may want to examine the reasons why you’re interested in someone who doesn’t like you back, urging you to pursue others.

Respect Boundaries

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Setting boundaries in situations like these can help you to understand and accept the other person’s lack of interest. Psych Central reveals that no matter how awkward you might feel talking about your emotions or bringing up trickier subjects, a two-way discussion is vital in boundary setting.

Focus on Self-Improvement

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Investing time and energy into personal growth and development is a good way to cope when someone expresses disinterest. By pursuing your hobbies, interests, and goals independently, you can take your mind off the situation as you aren’t fixating on what went wrong.

Seek Support

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Being rejected can be difficult, which is why it’s important to talk to trusted friends or family members about your feelings. If you’re afraid to open up to your loved ones, you can seek guidance from a therapist or counselor who can give you perspective and encouragement.

Limit Contact

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Although it can be tempting to stay in contact with people who aren’t invested in your life as you enjoy their company, it is better to minimize communication to stop obsessing over them. Psychology Today notes that it is better to cut them out for the sake of your mental health.

Explore Other Options

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Just because someone isn’t interested in you doesn’t mean that other people won’t be. This is why you should keep an open mind when meeting new people. Engaging in social activities and expanding your social circle can help you explore potential romantic interests that reciprocate your feelings.

Acceptance and Letting Go

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Rather than growing resentment for the person who has rejected you, it’s advisable to acknowledge and accept the reality of the situation. As you cannot force someone to like you, you should let go of unrealistic expectations and fantasies prompting you to embrace the possibility of finding genuine connection elsewhere.

Cultivate Self-Compassion

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It’s not nice to be turned down by someone else. In circumstances like these, it’s important to practice self-care and kindness towards yourself. Rather than putting yourself down with self-blame and negative self-talk, you should treat yourself with empathy and gentleness.

Avoid Seeking Validation

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Rejection can spur us to seek validation from the person who isn’t interested in us. However, your self-worth should not hinge on how that other person sees you. Instead, you should find validation within yourself and from supportive relationships as you realize your worth independent of external validation.

Redirect Your Energy

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While it’s understandable that you may spend some time dwelling on the person who has rejected you, this can be damaging in the long run. You should channel your energy into productive and fulfilling activities instead, of pursuing passions and interests that bring you joy.

Stay Open to Friendship

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If your feelings for someone have not been reciprocated, it could be worth exploring the possibility of maintaining a platonic friendship. This is worth considering if you aren’t on bad terms as you can shift the focus to building a genuine connection based on mutual interests and respect.

Practice Gratitude

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Having gratitude for positive aspects of your life can take your mind off being rejected by someone. In fact, The New York Times highlights that receiving and even witnessing gratitude can improve your well-being, especially during difficult times as you focus on blessings and opportunities beyond romantic relationships.

Set Realistic Expectations

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It’s not healthy to wait around, hoping that someone will one day see your worth. Using logic is the best way to deal with rejection as you can manage expectations regarding the outcome of your interactions. This entails understanding that not every connection will lead to a romantic relationship.

Stay True to Yourself

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Losing yourself by getting wrapped up in someone else can be detrimental to your mental state. It’s more fruitful to remain authentic to your values and beliefs. This means avoiding compromising your integrity to gain someone’s interest as you don’t feel the need to prove yourself.

Take a Break if Needed

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Taking a break from dating and expressing your interest to other people can help you to heal and process your emotions. Diving into the dating pool immediately can reopen old wounds and hurt you further. Instead, you should prioritize your well-being and emotional health above all else.

Seek Closure

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If you feel that you need more clarification on the situation, it could be worth communicating respectfully with the person. Harvard Health discloses how, depending on the relationship, you can sometimes address problems directly. This should be done without expectations and pressure and as a way to move forward.

Embrace Growth Opportunities

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Every individual should view rejection as an opportunity for personal growth and resilience. Rather than taking the blow personally, it can be seen as a learning experience whereby you become more self-aware and emotionally mature. You’ll be able to see the larger picture rather than focusing on momentary pain.

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